Can Dogs Eat Avocado?

can dogs eat avocado: dog watches woman slice up avocado on cutting board

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Can Dogs Have Avocado?

NOTE: Always check with your veterinarian first before giving your dog any new foods, especially “people foods.” What might be OK for one dog might not be good for your dog, depending on factors such as their age, health history, health conditions, and diet. Dogs on prescription diets should not be fed any food or treats outside the diet. 

You were slicing an avocado for your Cobb salad, and your dog scarfed up a piece that slid off the cutting board. You panic. Can dogs eat avocados? 

Relax and take a deep breath. Avocados are safe for dogs in moderation, and it’s likely that your pup will be just fine. Here’s everything you need to know about dogs and avocados. 

Can Dogs Have Avocado?

Yes, dogs can have avocado. Avocado flesh is not toxic to dogs, so eating a little bit is not likely to cause problems. That said, larger amounts and other parts of the avocado can cause some issues. 

Are Avocados Good for Dogs?

Avocados have three main parts: the flesh (also called the pulp); the pit; and the leaves, bark, and skin. You should only give your dog the flesh, which does have some benefits. 

It provides: 

  • Vitamin C, E, K, B6, riboflavin, niacin, and folate, which have many functions and work together to keep your dog healthy 

  • Magnesium and potassium, which help with bone health, energy, and metabolism 

  • Omega-3 fatty acids, which support your dog’s heart health and promote a healthy skin and coat 

  • Lutein and beta carotene, which help contribute to healthy eyesight 

Are Avocados Bad for Dogs?

That said, the risk of avocados outweighs the benefits. While they’re not inherently toxic, avocados have potential to cause the following issues:  

  • They may cause pancreatitis. Avocados are high in fat, which can cause pancreatitis, an inflammation of the pancreas, a digestive organ. In some cases, this condition can even be fatal. Some dogs can develop pancreatitis even if they only eat a small amount of avocado pulp. 

  • The pit can cause an intestinal blockage. The pit of an avocado doesn’t digest well in a dog’s intestinal tract and might cause a gastric or an intestinal blockage. If their system is not able to process the pit, it will become stuck partway through the intestinal tract. If this happens, the only treatment is to surgically remove it—just as if it was a rock, rubber ball, or any other indigestible object. 

  • They may cause digestive upset. The one known poison in avocados is persin, which is a natural antifungal compound. The levels of persin vary between different types of avocados and other external factors. Ingestion of large amounts of persin might bother a dog’s stomach, but your dog would have to eat a lot of leaves, bark, or avocado peels to experience symptoms. 

How Much Avocado Can I Give My Dog?

You should only give your dog a small amount of avocado. It’s best to limit to no more than 1 teaspoon per 10 pounds of your dog’s weight to reduce the risk of potential side effects. 

Instead, consider treating your dog to other beneficial human foods, like turkey or green beans, which they’ll likely love just as much. 

Or opt for store-bought dog treats with avocado. The following treats are paired with lean protein sources and other beneficial ingredients for a more well-rounded snack: 

My Dog Ate Too Much Avocado—What Do I Do?

Fortunately, eating too much avocado is uncommon in dogs. However, if your pet did eat a lot, watch them for 24–48 hours and look for signs of distress, including: 

If you see any of these signs, report them to your veterinarian to determine the proper treatment. Dogs who develop pancreatitis often start with mild signs of vomiting, which can progress to become life-threatening with time.  

If your dog has eaten the pit or appears to be choking on part of the avocado, this is an emergency, and you should go to an emergency facility as quickly as possible. 

What Fruits Can Dogs Eat?

While avocado may not be the best snack choice for dogs, there are lots of other beneficial fruits they can eat. Some of the best fruits to give your dog are: 

Can Dogs Eat Avocado FAQs

Can dogs eat avocado oil? Is avocado oil safe for dogs?

Avocado oil isn’t toxic to dogs because it does not contain persin, and it’s high in the anti-inflammatory compounds of vitamin E and omega fatty acids. However, it’s still not considered safe for dogs. This is because it’s very high in fat, which can trigger pancreatitis in susceptible dogs. It’s safest for you to avoid giving your dog avocado oil. 

Can dogs eat guacamole? What if my dog eats guacamole?

No, dogs should not be given guacamole. One of the things that makes it so tasty to humans is all the additional ingredients that are added to it, like onion, garlic, and salt. Garlic and onion are dangerous for dogs and salt is not healthy for them. It might be OK to share a small amount of avocado with your dog, but guacamole should stay off limits. 

Can dogs be allergic to avocado?

Allergies develop with repeated exposures over time. If you are frequently sharing avocado with your dog, it is certainly possible for them to develop a food allergy, but this would be considered rare.

Sandra C. Mitchell, DVM, DABVP


Sandra C. Mitchell, DVM, DABVP


Sandra Mitchell is a 1995 graduate of the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine. Since graduation, she has worked in many fields...

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