7 Signs a Dog Is Dying and What To Do

Updated Oct. 16, 2024
woman sitting on a bench with an elderly dog's head resting in her lap

Adobe Stock/Halfpoint

As pet parents, we all fear the loss of our beloved canine companions. Many dogs age gracefully without serious health issues, but others may suffer from chronic, debilitating, or terminal illnesses that reduce their quality of life. Inevitably, we reach that heartbreaking realization that our companion is nearing the end of their time with us.

One of the biggest questions that pet parents grapple with is when to put their dog down—is it too soon? Other pet parents wonder if they can just let their pet die “naturally” at home, without medical intervention. Pet parents hope this scenario will play out peacefully, with their dog passing quietly in their sleep.

The reality, however, is that natural death is not usually peaceful, and dogs with terminal illnesses could suffer for days from pain, nausea, and anxiety as their bodies begin to shut down. This is why the standard is for veterinarians to offer painless, humane euthanasia to end a pet’s suffering.

Common Signs a Dog Is Dying

There are many clinical signs that may indicate your dog may be starting a decline toward death. However, these signs can also be vague indicators of other non-terminal health issues, so it’s important to have your dog examined by their regular vet if you notice a change or decline in their health or daily routine at home.

Changes may develop as early as three months prior to death. These changes can be physical or behavioral.

1. Mental and Behavioral Changes

Changes in behavior may occur before death. This might include:

  • Depression

  • Confusion

  • Agitation

  • Restlessness

  • Anxiety

  • Increased clinginess

  • Isolation

  • Becoming detached from human or animal companions

  • Loss of interest in social interactions, activities, or toys

  • Aggression (usually due to chronic or persistent pain, but may also be from a brain tumor)

2. Circulatory Shutdown

Dogs in heart failure may develop a cough due to changes in the size of their heart and/or fluid accumulation in the lungs, along with weakness caused by anemia and poor circulation of oxygenated blood through their system.

3. Changes in Breathing Patterns

Dogs may start panting even while at rest, develop a cough, or have increased difficulty drawing a normal breath. This can be secondary to heart failure; respiratory diseases; cancer; or a metabolic disease such as diabetes, kidney failure, or liver or adrenal gland disorders.

4. Changes in Appetite or Thirst

Appetite and water intake will gradually decline as the dog’s organ systems begin to shut down. Nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea may be present in dogs with underlying kidney, liver, or gastrointestinal disease.

5. Loss of Mobility

One telltale sign a dog is dying is the loss of mobility. This can be due to pain, loss of muscle mass, a neurologic conditionlethargy, or weakness.

6. Weight Loss

If your dog starts losing weight, this can be due to not eating or significant muscle atrophy due to neoplasia or other diseases.

7. Incontinence (Urinary and/or Fecal)

Urine incontinence and fecal incontinence are both common dog dying symptoms. Dogs may be physically unable to rise from their beds to go outside, or they may have musculoskeletal and neurological deterioration that affects their urethral and anal sphincters.

How To Assess Your Dog’s Quality of Life

If you’re looking for signs that it’s time to talk about humane euthanasia, these questions can help determine your dog’s quality of life:

  1. Is your dog still eating and drinking? If they can’t eat or drink on their own, can you provide a way for them to eat or drink comfortably?

  2. Are they still able to enjoy the same activities and social interactions with you and other pets in the household?

  3. Is your dog comfortable at home, able to move about to urinate or poop, and able to rest without experiencing pain?

  4. Ultimately, are they having more good days than bad?

If the answer to these questions is no, then it’s probably time to consider end-of-life care for your dog. Options can include palliative or hospice care, humane euthanasia (either at home or in the clinic), and discussions on how you might want to memorialize your dog after their death.

Quality of Life Scale

Similar to the questions above, you can also use the Quality of Life scale created by Dr. Alice Villalobos to assess a dog’s overall physical and mental well-being. The parameters for the scale include:

  • Hurt

  • Hunger

  • Hydration

  • Hygiene

  • Happiness

  • Mobility

  • More good days than bad

Each parameter is rated on a scale of one to 10. Total scores of 35 or higher suggest that a dog still has an acceptable quality of life and that palliative care options may be beneficial. Scores below 35 indicate an unacceptable quality of life and that the dog may need hospice or euthanasia considerations sooner rather than later.

quality of life scale for pets chart

The ‘Natural’ Dog Dying Process

A natural death does not mean a peaceful death, and the stages of dying can be very stressful to watch. This is why euthanasia is used to provide a pain-free, humane end of life for pets.

Without humane euthanasia, a pet’s breathing patterns continue to falter, and dogs may develop a “death rattle” in their chest, when mucus builds up in the throat. Their body temperature will begin to fall, and their extremities may feel cooler to the touch.

Dogs that are dying are typically unable to rise to relieve themselves, so pet parents should have disposable pads and replaceable bedding to maintain proper hygiene and comfort. Dogs typically show no interest in eating or drinking at this time.

The final transition to death comes when a dog’s organs shut down, they stop breathing, and their heart stops beating. Once breathing and heartbeat have stopped for 30 minutes after a natural death, pet parents can be assured that their dog has passed away.

A natural death does not mean a peaceful death. This is why euthanasia is used to provide a pain-free, humane end of life for pets.

After death, there may be some brief muscle twitching, a last deep exhale, and loss of bladder and bowel control as the muscles relax. This can be very troubling to watch, because you may mistakenly believe your dog is still alive, so it’s especially important to understand that this happens as part of death.

How Euthanasia Helps Dying Dogs

In contrast to the process of natural death, which can be prolonged and painful, humane euthanasia has evolved to offer a much less stressful experience for the pet parents and a fear-free experience for the pet.

The euthanasia appointment will begin with veterinary technicians placing an IV catheter into your dog’s vein to ensure all injections can be delivered easily. Your dog may feel brief discomfort as the catheter is inserted.

After placement of the IV catheter, the veterinarian will give a sedative injection to allow your dog to relax and fall into a state of semiconsciousness. Next, the final euthanasia injection is given, and death typically occurs within a couple of minutes.

Your dog may do a full-body stretch and take a deep breath before their body relaxes completely. Their pupils will dilate, breathing will cease, and their heart will stop beating. Subtle muscle twitching might be evident after your vet has pronounced your pup to be passed away. These muscle twitches can sometimes be confused with normal breathing but usually only last a few seconds.

Once all the bodies muscles have relaxed the twitching will stop but you may notice urine or stool being released, this is all normal.

The veterinarian will confirm death by listening for a heartbeat, feeling for a pulse, and listening for breathing. They may also gently touch the surface of the eye to make sure there is no blink reflex.

What To Do if You Think Your Dog Is Dying

If you are seeing signs of declining health or have scored the quality-of-life areas, take this information with you to your vet to discuss your options. They may say that your dog can go into palliative care, or they may suggest hospice or that you go ahead with euthanasia as soon as possible.

How To Comfort a Dying Dog

The kindest thing you can do for your dog in their final days is to make sure they are as comfortable as possible. Here are some tips:

  • Keep clean, supportive (cushioned or orthopedic) bedding available, along with disposable potty pads to avoid soiling the bedding if incontinence is an issue.

  • Some dogs may tolerate diapers, but you must change the diapers frequently, keeping the fur and skin free of urine and fecal matter to avoid skin irritation or infection.

  • If your dog has a favorite blanket, toy, or an item of clothing that smells like you, keep those nearby to comfort them.

  • Spending as much time as possible with your dog will not only give them the emotional support and comfort they need, but it will also allow you to watch for signs of discomfort or anxiety.

  • Continue all prescribed medications—if your dog will tolerate them—to keep pain and anxiety to a minimum. Some dogs that aren’t eating well may experience nausea if medications are given on an empty stomach, so speak with your veterinarian about adjusting any medications so they are providing maximum relief.

  • Dogs may also benefit from mild sedatives to help them sleep at night if they are restless.

When your dog’s final moments arrive, you may feel conflicted about watching your friend transition to death. As difficult as it may be, it will provide great comfort for them to know their loving family is there with them.

The decision of whether to allow children or other pets to be present during death should be made on an individual family basis, considering the age of the child and the temperament of the other animals in the home.

Some experts believe that children and other pets should not be included in the final goodbye, but others feel that seeing their companion in the moments after death will help bring some level of closure and understanding that the pet has passed on.


American Animal Hospital Association Certification Course. Active Dying Module.

Larkin, Malinda. American Veterinary Medical Association. Study examines causes of death in dogs. May 2011.

Leesville Animal Hospital. How Do I Know When My Dog is Dying? June 2016.

Michelson Found Animals Foundation. Saying Goodbye to Your Dog: How to Know When It’s Time. December 2016.


Leslie Gillette, DVM


Leslie Gillette, DVM


Dr. Leslie Gillette graduated from the University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine in 1998. After 12 years of small animal...

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