Pet Euthanasia: Everything You Need to Know

Updated Sep. 9, 2024
Pet euthanasia: A man sits with his dog.

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From the moment you welcome a new pet into your family, a strong bond starts to take root. And as our pets reach senior age, we all wonder: "Will I be able to put my pet down when the time comes?”

We fear losing our pets because they mean so much to us.

When the time eventually comes, many pet parents have questions about the process of pet euthanasia, and how to deal with their grief.

This guide is for pet parents who have made the decision with their veterinarian that pet euthanasia is the right choice for their furry loved one.

Let’s look at the most common questions about the pet euthanasia process, how to set up the appointment, and what to expect that day.

How To Know When To Let a Pet Go

Pet parents may wonder how they will know when it’s time to say goodbye to their beloved companion.

A pet’s quality of life is the most important factor for pet parents to consider when making this decision. Their pet should have more good days than bad days—and when this reverses, it’s time to start thinking about how to provide your pet with a peaceful passing.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to euthanasia, and these decisions should always be made through careful discussion with your veterinarian.

Can I Have My Pet Euthanized At Home?

Yes, there are several organizations that offer at-home euthanasia for pets. Sometimes your local veterinarian will offer this service as well.

These appointments offer a more relaxed, comfortable setting for your pet, compared to visiting a veterinary clinic, and they can reduce some of the stress involved in the process.

How Much Does Pet Euthanasia Cost?

The cost of euthanasia varies greatly among veterinary practices, as well as the type of appointment the pet parent chooses. For example, at-home euthanasia will be more costly than putting your pet down at a veterinary practice.

Some practices offer end-of-life appointments for existing clients at no cost. Additionally, aftercare options, such as cremation or burial, should be factored into the overall cost.

Generally, euthanasia ranges from $50 to $500, with the highest figure for at-home services. Cremation services may cost another $50 to $300, depending on if a pet parent chooses to have the ashes returned or not. 

Setting Up the Appointment and How To Prepare

When you call to schedule a veterinary appointment, it’s important to let the receptionist know that you would like to discuss end-of-life options with the veterinarian ahead of time.

Your veterinary team understands what a difficult decision this is, so they should be willing to work with you to find the time that will work best for you and your pet.

Most veterinarians will discuss the process of euthanasia in detail with you before the final appointment. It may be helpful to even schedule an appointment without your pet before the procedure to talk to the vet, or you can ask to speak with the vet over the phone.

You also have options for your pet’s remains. You may choose to leave your pet with the veterinarian for burial or cremation, or you may be able to bury your pet at home depending on the ordinances in your area.

If you choose cremation, you have the option of communal cremation, which is less expensive, but you won’t get your pet’s ashes back. Private cremation is a bit more expensive, but your pet’s ashes will be returned to you.

Try to finalize these details and payment arrangements ahead of time, instead of having to make decisions in the emotional moments after your pet has passed away.

If you decide to have your veterinarian handle the cremation or burial arrangements, under no circumstances will your pet’s remains be handled disrespectfully or inappropriately after death.

Do not be apologetic about asking what will happen after the euthanasia procedure.

There may be specific circumstances in which your veterinarian will offer you the option of having a necropsy performed on your pet after the euthanasia procedure.

The value of a necropsy comes if there is concern about a potential toxic ingestion, or to identify the cause of death.

Staying With Your Pet During the Euthanasia Appointment

It’s your choice whether to stay in the examination room when your veterinarian administers the euthanasia solution.

While the thought of watching your pet pass away may be difficult to imagine, many pet parents later say that they regretted not being there when their pet was euthanized.

Think very carefully about how you will feel after your pet has been euthanized. Will you have regrets if you do not stay with your pet?

What To Expect at a Pet Euthanasia Appointment


Your veterinarian will need access to a vein to administer the euthanasia solution to your pet. The euthanasia solution acts quickly and painlessly.

This requires that your pet be calm and relaxed, so your veterinarian will likely want to sedate your pet.

This ensures that the procedure is as humane and peaceful as possible. If your pet is uncooperative, defensive, afraid, or becomes aggressive, your veterinarian will not be able to carry out the euthanasia procedure.

The sedation injection may be given under the skin or in the muscle. Depending on the combination of medications used for sedation, the injection may sting or burn very briefly, but this sensation goes away quickly. Once it’s given, it may take several minutes for your pet to relax completely.

Some pets may take a few wobbly steps as they begin to feel the effects of the sedation, so it’s important that they are protected from falling off the examination table or have a soft blanket or bedding placed on the floor where they can lie down.

As they relax more, you may notice your pet breathing more slowly. Their pupils may become dilated, and some pets may even vocalize. These are all completely normal effects of the sedative.

Once the sedative has taken full effect, your pet may lose consciousness. You may choose to leave your pet at this time if you do not want to be present for the final injection.


Most euthanasia solutions are a combination of a barbiturate anesthetic (pentobarbital) and an anticonvulsant (phenytoin).

This causes complete muscle relaxation and a quick and painless termination of all nerve transmission to the brain, which leads to cardiac arrest, the moment at which the heart stops beating.  

The pentobarbital allows pets to quickly become unconscious, which is critical so your pet will have no awareness during the moment of cardiac arrest brought on by the phenytoin.

Once the nerve impulses are no longer conducted, there is no thought, sensation, or movement.

Before the euthanasia solution is given, veterinarians may put an intravenous catheter in place to ensure easy access to the bloodstream. Sometimes this is not needed.

The procedure is specifically designed to be as painless and stress-free as possible for your pet. Once the catheter is in place, you may request some time alone with your pet. 

This will be the final few minutes you get to share with your companion before saying goodbye, so do not be afraid to take the time you need.

You can help hold your pet or cradle them in your arms at the time of euthanasia.

Your veterinarian will try to accommodate your wishes, but it is important that the solutions be injected within the vein for the procedure to be completed quickly and painlessly.

Usually, within six to 12 seconds after the solution is injected, a pet will take a slightly deeper breath, then grow weak and finally lapse into what looks like a deep sleep.

The pet, although completely unconscious, may continue to take a few more breaths and give a full body stretch before all movement stops.

For pets that are dehydrated or have poor circulation, the transition may take a few minutes longer due to a slower distribution of the euthanasia solution through the body.

Some pets may also lose bladder or bowel control in the immediate moments after death, but this a natural effect of the body’s relaxation process, not a conscious or fearful response.


Once the euthanasia solution has been administered, your veterinarian will listen to your pet’s chest to confirm that both breathing and the heartbeat have stopped.

The vet may also gently pinch between your pet’s toes or touch the corner of the eye to be sure there is no movement or blink response. 

After the euthanasia procedure is complete, you can ask to spend a few more moments alone with your pet. If you would like this additional time to say goodbye, take all the time you need. You should never feel rushed to leave the clinic afterward.

If you have arranged to take your pet home, the veterinary staff will carefully wrap your pet in blankets or place them in their crate and will have staff members help carry your pet out to your car for you.

You may also want a friend or family member to come with you to the euthanasia appointment in case you are too upset to safely drive yourself home.

It may be difficult to concentrate on driving after experiencing such an emotional event.

Pet Aftercare Options: Burial or Cremation

There are several options for body care after your pet has passed away, including home burial, burial in a cemetery, private cremation, or communal cremation.

If you do not have the option of home burial or simply do not wish to keep your pet’s remains after death, pet burial services in most communities will humanely take care of the final disposition for your beloved companion.

Home or Cemetery Burial

Before deciding to bury your pet at home, check local ordinances to be sure that this is allowed.

If you have local government or HOA restrictions that forbid home burial, you may want to contact cemeteries nearby to see if they are whole-family cemeteries, meaning that your pets can be buried in your family plot, or if they have a separate space dedicated for pet burials.

Eco-Friendly Cemeteries

Green or eco-friendly pet burial options have become more popular and more widely available in recent years.

Green pet cemeteries require biodegradable pet burial boxes or shrouds, which are often composed of cotton, cornstarch, bamboo, rice powder, or other non-toxic materials designed to break down over time—usually within five years of burial.


Pet cremation services are also available. Traditional cremation involves heat incineration of the remains, which leaves a small amount of ash residue behind. 

Most pet cremation services offer communal or private cremation. A communal cremation means that the ashes of several pets will be mixed. You won’t get your pet’s ashes back with this option.

If you choose to have your pet privately cremated, your veterinarian can help make these arrangements for you, and the veterinary staff will notify you when your pet’s ashes are ready for you to pick up.

The veterinary clinic staff can give you the name and phone number of the cremation service they use if you wish to speak directly to them to ask about the cremation process. It may even be helpful to call the cremation service long before that final day so the last moments with your pet are as stress-free as possible.

Making Special Requests for Burial or Cremation

It’s not unusual, nor unreasonable, for pet parents to save a bit of their pet's hair to keep in a locket or special container.

There are also many specialty retailers that can create personal keepsakes such as bracelets, rings, and pendants containing a small amount of your pet’s fur, or some ashes from your pet’s cremains.

Your veterinary staff can also make a paw print or nose print as a keepsake while you are still in the office.

Some pet parents may want to include a few photos, a rose, or even a personal letter or poem addressed to their pet in their burial shroud or cremains.

Don’t be afraid to make special requests during this time as a final loving tribute to your companion.

Grieving the Loss of a Pet

Veterinary practitioners encounter many different responses from pet parents who are faced with euthanizing their pet.

Many pet parents deeply grieve during and after the time of their pet's passing. Pet loss is a very individual experience, and there is no wrong response.

Grieving a pet is a personal experience, and it can be difficult to find the support you need from friends or family if they do not understand how it feels to lose a beloved pet.

Even a close friend might suggest that you can get over your loss by adopting a new pet. If someone has not personally experienced a loss of this magnitude, they won’t be able to relate to a pet parent who is grieving.

Pets are a special and important part of your life, and you should not apologize for grieving deeply when you lose them.

Pet Loss Support Groups

It’s completely normal for you to feel the need to talk to someone who understands your sadness after the death of your pet.

There are many pet loss support groups and counselors across the country who specialize in grief counseling to help you process your loss. You can find many in-person or online support groups that share their personal stories related to the loss of a pet.

Never feel ashamed or belittle yourself for having strong feelings of loss and sadness over a deceased pet. You are not alone in your sadness.

It typically takes longer than you would expect to move completely through the grieving process and make peace with the loss of your pet.

How to Honor a Deceased Pet

Pet parents can keep the memory of their pet alive by honoring them in various ways, which may include:

  • Place pictures of the pet in the home

  • Create a memory box of pictures and mementos from their pet’s life

  • Donate to a charity in honor of their pet

  • Create a memorial garden

  • Volunteer at a local animal shelter

  • Make a keepsake jewelry item


T. J. Dunn, DVM


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