Five Common Dog Medications


PetMD Editorial

Published Jan. 10, 2013
Image: Di Bédard / Flickr

The Everyday Medications That Keep Our Dogs Healthy

There once was a time that when dogs got sick, they either got better or they didn't. Thankfully, things have changed. We now have countless ways to treat our dogs when they are ill. The following are some of the more common prescription drugs used to treat dogs today (and only when under the direct supervision of a veterinarian).

Image: Liesbetje / Shutterstock

1. Antibiotics

Antibiotics such as Metronidazole and Doxycycline are frequently prescribed to dogs fighting bacterial infections.

Image: gorillaimages / Shutterstock

2. Antiparasitics

Ivermectin is just one of several common antiparasitics prescribed by veterinarians to treat infections caused by roundworms, threadworms, and other nasty parasites in dogs.


Image: Steve Yager / Shutterstock

3. Antifungals

Humidity and heat can contribute to overgrowth of yeast in the ears and on the skin, with resulting irritation and inflammation. When your veterinarian needs to eliminate a fungal infection quickly, he or she will prescribe an antifungal medication such as Ketoconazole.

Image: kudrashka-a / Shutterstock

4. Steroids

The word "steroids" has recently taken on a bad connotation due to it's abuse by athletes. However, when used correctly and prescribed by a veterinarian, corticosteroids such as Prednisone can alleviate symptoms associated with inflammation, cancer, and Addison's disease in dogs

Image: 8 Kome / Flickr

5. Pain Relievers

Pain relievers are prescribed by veterinarians to do just that — relieve pain. Tramadol, for example, is used to alleviate the chronic pain associated with athritis or cancer in dogs, as well as post-operative and injury-related pain.