Do Cats Get Lonely When You’re Gone?
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If you’ve ever spent a few days away from home, you might have worried about how your furry friends are faring. Cats can be independent creatures, but do cats get lonely when they’re by themselves?
Does My Cat Miss Me?
It’s impossible to know exactly how cat emotions compare to human emotions. But there are signs that cats can feel something similar to loneliness and longing. A 2019 study found that cats can get attached to humans and show signs of stress when separated.
“Cats are capable of deep emotional connections,” says Stephanie Merlin, CFTBS, FFCP, cat well-being educator, and owner of The Fulfilled Feline.
Cats that are used to being left home alone during the day won’t think much of it if you take a day trip. But a cat that’s used to having company all day, every day will take note of that absence.
But this doesn’t necessarily mean your cat is in distress every time you leave the house, and you being away for the day is not a big issue for most felines. So do cats miss you when you run an errand? Probably not. But do cats miss you when you go on vacation? That’s more likely.
“Cats are really attuned to patterns and daily routine,” says Marci Koski, CFTBS, CFTBP, owner of Feline Behavior Solutions in Vancouver, Washington. “When something is outside of the norm or falls outside of the routine, that’s when cats can notice.”
Cats that are used to being left home alone during the day won’t think much of it if you take a day trip. But a cat that’s used to having company all day, every day will take note of that absence. Pet parents who are planning to be gone for 12–24 hours at a time might want to consider a pet sitter, Koski says.
Signs Your Cat Is Lonely
Cats communicate their needs through behavior and body language. Paying attention to how your cat is acting is key to understanding their emotional and physical health.
“Cats can’t tell us they’re feeling lonely, so it’s up to us to recognize the signs,” Merlin says.
Although behavior does vary some depending on personality and history, most cats are good about getting your attention when they want it. Common pleas for time and affection include excessive meowing and clinginess. Cats might also vie for your attention by:
Going outside of the litter box
All of these behaviors can signal loneliness and the need for quality time. But both Merlin and Koski note behavioral changes can also indicate health issues. If you notice any of these behaviors persisting, take your cat to the vet to rule out any health problems.
“By understanding the reasons behind these behaviors, we can provide our cats with the support and enrichment they need to thrive,” Merlin says.
How To Help a Lonely Cat
If you’re planning to be away from home, here are some things you can do to help your cat feel less lonely.
Keep Them at Home
It might seem like the right idea to take your cat over to a friend’s house or a pet daycare center while you’re gone. However, relocating your cat might make your absence even more stressful for them.
“Cats that are very tied to their routines are also very tied to their environment and space,” Merlin says. “I don't encourage boarding cats unless it’s your only option or they need specialized medical care”
Hire a Pet Sitter
“If you’re going to be out of town, I recommend hiring a pet sitter who can drop by your home to check on your cats,” Merlin says.
Pet sitters can spend time engaging with your cat while checking to make sure their food and water are fresh and their litter box is clean. By sharing your schedule with your pet sitter, you can keep your cat’s routine intact while you’re gone, which will help them feel less stressed.
Use a Pet Camera
Pet cameras let you interact with your cat while you’re away. Some options include a treat dispenser and two-way audio so you can comfort your cat with your voice and hear their purrs in return.
This won’t take the place of a solid pet sitter. But, Koski says, “you can at least see how your cat is doing and make sure they're doing OK.”
Provide Enrichment
Cats are smart animals that can get bored easily. If you’re heading out of town, be sure to leave behind some things to occupy their time, such as scratching posts, climbing trees, and places to look out the window.
You can also buy cat toys that will turn on and move around when your cat walks by. Motion-activated toys and puzzle toys probably won’t cut down on loneliness, but they might eliminate boredom, Koski says.
Offer a Cozy Bed
Cats love having a place that’s just for them. Ensuring your cat has a cozy spot to nap while you’re away will help them feel protected and calm. Koski suggests heated cat beds, which can replicate the warmth of sleeping next to their pet parent.
“Your cat might feel like there’s some heat sharing happening, and that could cut down on some of those feelings of loneliness at night,” Koski says.
Get Another Cat
Sometimes adding to the family is just the thing to keep your cat entertained. But Merlin advises that pet parents be careful with this transition. This, like all change, can be a tough adjustment for a cat.
Make sure to introduce a new cat gradually, well before any travel, so your pets have a chance to develop a comfortable relationship and routine before you’re gone.