Ashley Mandeville

Ashley Mandeville, LVT

Ashley Mandeville, LVT


Education & Trainings

BS in Health Communication from UNC Charlotte, minor/focus in Linguistics 2008. AAS in Veterinary Technology from AB-Tech 2011. LVT since 2011.

Ashley Mandeville has worked in the veterinary field for the past 12 years in General Practice as an Emergency Treatment Technician, an ICU Technician, and an Emergency Department Doctor Coordinator. Her passion in veterinary medicine lies within client compliance; educating and engaging clients in efforts to increase understanding and consistency of care with their pets current and future health needs. With a bachelor’s degree in Health Communications from UNC Charlotte and an associate's degree from AB Tech in Veterinary Technology she found a nice niche for empowering people to take the best possible care of their pets.

Ashley has spent the last decade exploring Asheville with her husband and two young boys (7 and 4 years old). Outside of work she is involved with her son’s farmstead preschool cooperative, Asheville’s music scene, gardening (trying to) and kayaking on the river. She loves dogs and goats, likes horses and chickens and thinks most other animals are pretty awesome too.

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