Dr. Kristie McLaughlin

Kristie McLaughlin, DVM, MPH, CPH

Kristie McLaughlin, DVM, MPH, CPH

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Education & Trainings

Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine (DVM-2015)

University of South Florida (MPH-2020)

Activity & Honors

Certification in Public Health

Professional Memberships


Dr. Kristie McLaughlin is a native Floridian whose passion for animals began as a child on her grandparents’ farm in Jamaica. She has practiced both eastern and western small animal medicine and has also worked in the public health sector with the United States Department of Agriculture as a Supervisory Public Health Veterinarian and Veterinary Medical Officer.

Dr. McLaughlin has a Master of Public Health degree with a concentration in Infection Control, and she is certified in Public Health.

She has a Sun Conure named Mango and enjoys traveling with her husband.

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